“A Day in the Garden” Open House
Join us every 3rd Saturday from May through November for our Garden and Compost Open House!
Promoting sustainable living in our Brooklyn neighborhood and beyond.
Join us every 3rd Saturday from May through November for our Garden and Compost Open House!
Sustainable Flatbush is raising money to convert our 340 square foot container vegetable garden into a culinary and medicinal herb garden!
Join us for the kickoff of our Community Compost Project and Gardening season on April 20th, 2013! (more…)
Sustainable Flatbush Weekend Updates Sunday, September 16 • 11am – 5pm We are at the 36th Annual Flatbush Frolic
It’s been an exciting and busy summer with youth groups from all over Brooklyn and beyond coming to check out our urban farm, native plant garden, and compost project!
Our Urban Farm and Native Plant Gardens Come get your hands dirty with us and learn how to grow herbs, vegetables, and native plants!
June 18-24, 2012 has been designated National Pollinator Week by the U.S Department of Agriculture, and we’ve scheduled a Pollinator Education workshop at our BIG Garden Work Day this Saturday, June 23rd!
We’ve also joined the National Pollinator Week campaign by signing the Xerces Society‘s Pollinator Protection Pledge. As urban gardeners and pollinator protectors, here’s what we have pledged to do:
To Bring Back the Pollinators, I will:
1. Grow a variety of bee-friendly flowers that bloom from spring through fall.
2. Protect and provide bee nests and caterpillar host plants.
3. Avoid using pesticides, especially insecticides.
4. Talk to my neighbors about the importance of pollinators and their habitat.
This is what our Pollinator Gardens are all about (especially #4)! Here’s what Chris Kreussling, aka Flatbush Gardener – native plant expert, veteran gardener, and Sustainable Flatbush Advisory Board member – has to say about our garden projects on the Flatbush Reformed Church property:
The gardens and church grounds offer many opportunities to observe and investigate pollinator behavior, and talk about the relationships among pollinators, their habitat requirements, and even the food we grow and eat. The Pollinator Garden is specifically targeted to provide pollen and nectar for pollinators, but many other plants, including those in native plant garden, provide habitat for pollinators.
Learn more about pollinators, how to protect them and what to plant to attract them in your yard. Join Flatbush Gardener for a game of Match the Food with its Pollinator. He will also share some knowledge to dispel common myths about honeybees. Another great activity to experience in our community garden, for adults and kids alike!
WHAT: Pollinating with Sustainable Flatbush!
WHEN: Saturday, June 23, 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. during our BIG garden work day
WHERE: Flatbush Reformed Church, East 21st Street at Kenmore Terrace
COMPOST UPDATE: in addition to our regular Community Composting Open Hours on Saturdays from 11am-1pm, we’ve added another composting opportunity on Wednesday evenings, during the Flatbush Farm Share CSA veggie distribution!