Brooklyn and Congestion Pricing: The Numbers


Courtesy of the Tri-State Transportation Campaign and Pratt Center for Community Development. What else do we need to know?? Let’s hope those politicians who claim to represent low-income New Yorkers in opposing congestion pricing take a look at the household income statistics shown here: less than half of Brooklyn households own cars, and those who don’t earn roughly HALF the income of those who do.

Actually, what they don’t mention here is that 97.3% of Brooklyn’s workers (those who do not commute alone to the Central Business District in Manhattan by private car) would be positively affected by the transit improvements that revenue from congestion pricing is targeted to fund (in addition to the millions in federal grants at stake).

2 thoughts on “Brooklyn and Congestion Pricing: The Numbers”

  • Thanks for pointing out the flaw in this piece of literature. It is UNTRUE that the vast majority of Brooklynites will not be affected by congestion pricing. The vast majority WILL be affected — positively! Reduced automobile traffic in our borough and improved mass transit!
    What could be better?

  • thanks for your comment lauren.

    i’ll say it again:
    any politician or activist who is concerned about congestion pricing (or transportation in general) as an economic justice issue should be looking at how to provide every new yorker with a decent, fast, car-free commute. as of now the best transit options are concentrated in the wealthiest neighborhoods, and that is what needs to change. obviously such a huge expansion and upgrade of the system will require a huge amount of funding, and congestion pricing is one of the few proposals on the table that can bring that money into the system.

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